Outbound tutorial


We need two groups of peers. The agent and client.

Add the agent(sip) info

Add the agent info to the /etc/asterisk/sip.conf

This sip info is act like an agent.

Assume that we have below agent info.




Add the client/customer(sip) info

Add the client info to the /etc/asterisk/sip.conf

This sip info is act like an client(customer).

Assume that we have a below client info.





saturn*CLI> sip show peers
Name/username             Host                                    Dyn Forcerport Comedia    ACL Port     Status      Description
300/83916470                                D  No         Auto (Yes)     56389    OK (1 ms)
301/19563407                                D  No         Auto (Yes)     56389    OK (1 ms)
302/52704186                                D  No         Auto (Yes)     56389    OK (1 ms)
303/84613297                                D  No         Auto (Yes)     56389    OK (7 ms)
agent-01/59041286                            D  No         Auto (Yes)     56389    OK (1 ms)
agent-02/20369415                            D  No         Auto (Yes)     56389    OK (1 ms)
agent-03/26315780                            D  No         Auto (Yes)     56389    OK (1 ms)
17 sip peers [Monitored: 7 online, 0 offline Unmonitored: 0 online, 10 offline]

Basic tutorial

Dial to the customer. After the customer answered call, the call will be transfferred to the parking lot.

  • Create a plan.
  • Create a destination.
  • Create dlma and dial list.
  • Create a campaign.
  • Update campaign status to start.
  • Check dial list status.

Create plan

$ curl -X POST -d
'{"name":"basic tutorial plan", "detail":"test plan for basic tutorial", "tech_name":"sip", "dial_mode":1}'

  "api_ver": "0.1",
  "timestamp": "2017-03-08T01:42:40.668089274Z",
  "statuscode": 200,
  "result": {
    "tm_delete": null,
    "caller_id": null,
    "uuid": "50fd1e1f-920b-477a-b84c-afe58928dadc",
    "name": "basic tutorial plan",
    "detail": "test plan for basic tutorial",
    "max_retry_cnt_1": 5,
    "max_retry_cnt_7": 5,
    "in_use": 1,
    "max_retry_cnt_8": 5,
    "service_level": 0,
    "dial_timeout": 30000,
    "variables": null,
    "dial_mode": 1,
    "codecs": null,
    "dl_end_handle": 1,
    "retry_delay": 60,
    "trunk_name": null,
    "early_media": null,
    "max_retry_cnt_2": 5,
    "tech_name": "sip",
    "max_retry_cnt_4": 5,
    "max_retry_cnt_3": 5,
    "max_retry_cnt_5": 5,
    "max_retry_cnt_6": 5,
    "tm_create": "2017-03-08T01:42:40.551073859Z",
    "tm_update": null

Create destination

$ curl -X POST -d
'{"name": "basic tutorial destination", "detail":"test pln for basic tutorial", "type":1, "application": "park"}'

  "api_ver": "0.1",
  "result": {
    "application": "park",
    "context": null,
    "data": null,
    "detail": "test pln for basic tutorial",
    "exten": null,
    "in_use": 1,
    "name": "basic tutorial destination",
    "priority": null,
    "tm_create": "2017-03-08T01:46:42.781526492Z",
    "tm_delete": null,
    "tm_update": null,
    "type": 1,
    "uuid": "36a8a632-569d-414a-94e1-f92c8e0d505e",
    "variables": null
  "statuscode": 200,
  "timestamp": "2017-03-08T01:46:42.830332118Z"

Create dlma and dial list

Create dlma.

$ curl -X POST -d
'{"name": "basic tutorial dlma", "detail": "test dlma for basic tutorial"}'

  "api_ver": "0.1",
  "result": {
    "detail": "test dlma for basic tutorial",
    "dl_table": "42b72a18_a6c5_43bf_b9aa_6043ff32128d",
    "in_use": 1,
    "name": "basic tutorial dlma",
    "tm_create": "2017-03-08T01:51:40.978836362Z",
    "tm_delete": null,
    "tm_update": null,
    "uuid": "42b72a18-a6c5-43bf-b9aa-6043ff32128d",
    "variables": null
  "statuscode": 200,
  "timestamp": "2017-03-08T01:51:41.37138842Z"

Create dial list

$ curl -X POST -d
'{"dlma_uuid":"42b72a18-a6c5-43bf-b9aa-6043ff32128d", "name": "basic tutorial test customer 1", "detail": "test customer for basic tutorial", "number_1": "300"}'

  "api_ver": "0.1",
  "result": {
    "detail": "test customer for basic tutorial",
    "dialing_camp_uuid": null,
    "dialing_plan_uuid": null,
    "dialing_uuid": null,
    "dlma_uuid": "42b72a18-a6c5-43bf-b9aa-6043ff32128d",
    "email": null,
    "in_use": 1,
    "name": "basic tutorial test customer 1",
    "number_1": "300",
    "number_2": null,
    "number_3": null,
    "number_4": null,
    "number_5": null,
    "number_6": null,
    "number_7": null,
    "number_8": null,
    "res_dial": 0,
    "res_dial_detail": null,
    "res_hangup": 0,
    "res_hangup_detail": null,
    "resv_target": null,
    "status": 0,
    "tm_create": "2017-03-08T01:55:07.911271576Z",
    "tm_delete": null,
    "tm_last_dial": null,
    "tm_last_hangup": null,
    "tm_update": null,
    "trycnt_1": 0,
    "trycnt_2": 0,
    "trycnt_3": 0,
    "trycnt_4": 0,
    "trycnt_5": 0,
    "trycnt_6": 0,
    "trycnt_7": 0,
    "trycnt_8": 0,
    "ukey": null,
    "uuid": "7d760dd1-8ba5-48d9-989d-415d610ffe57",
    "variables": null
  "statuscode": 200,
  "timestamp": "2017-03-08T01:55:07.936731333Z"

Create campaign

Create campaign using above information.

$ curl -X POST -d
'{"name": "basic tutorial campaign", "detail": "test campaign for basic tutorial", \
"plan":"50fd1e1f-920b-477a-b84c-afe58928dadc", "dest":"36a8a632-569d-414a-94e1-f92c8e0d505e", \

  "api_ver": "0.1",
  "result": {
    "dest": "36a8a632-569d-414a-94e1-f92c8e0d505e",
    "detail": "test campaign for basic tutorial",
    "dlma": "42b72a18-a6c5-43bf-b9aa-6043ff32128d",
    "in_use": 1,
    "name": "basic tutorial campaign",
    "next_campaign": null,
    "plan": "50fd1e1f-920b-477a-b84c-afe58928dadc",
    "sc_date_end": null,
    "sc_date_list": null,
    "sc_date_list_except": null,
    "sc_date_start": null,
    "sc_day_list": null,
    "sc_mode": 0,
    "sc_time_end": null,
    "sc_time_start": null,
    "status": 0,
    "tm_create": "2017-03-08T01:59:48.604422007Z",
    "tm_delete": null,
    "tm_update": null,
    "uuid": "30097375-df96-4ca4-829b-b1e3100a2221"
  "statuscode": 200,
  "timestamp": "2017-03-08T01:59:48.722673874Z"

Update Campaign status to start

$ curl -X PUT -d '{"status": 1}'

  "api_ver": "0.1",
  "result": {
    "dest": "36a8a632-569d-414a-94e1-f92c8e0d505e",
    "detail": "test campaign for basic tutorial",
    "dlma": "42b72a18-a6c5-43bf-b9aa-6043ff32128d",
    "in_use": 1,
    "name": "basic tutorial campaign",
    "next_campaign": null,
    "plan": "50fd1e1f-920b-477a-b84c-afe58928dadc",
    "sc_date_end": null,
    "sc_date_list": null,
    "sc_date_list_except": null,
    "sc_date_start": null,
    "sc_day_list": null,
    "sc_mode": 0,
    "sc_time_end": null,
    "sc_time_start": null,
    "status": 1,
    "tm_create": "2017-03-08T01:59:48.604422007Z",
    "tm_delete": null,
    "tm_update": "2017-03-08T02:02:19.305706615Z",
    "uuid": "30097375-df96-4ca4-829b-b1e3100a2221"
  "statuscode": 200,
  "timestamp": "2017-03-08T02:02:19.345044282Z"

Check dial list status

After update the campaign status, the aserisk will make a call to peer 300. And if the client answer the call the call transfers to the parking lot.

Then, if we check the dial list status later, we can see the updated dial list information.

$ curl -X GET

  "api_ver": "0.1",
  "timestamp": "2017-03-08T02:05:54.905205247Z",
  "statuscode": 200,
  "result": {
    "tm_last_dial": "2017-03-08T02:02:19.561972329Z",
    "number_4": null,
    "email": null,
    "trycnt_5": 0,
    "uuid": "7d760dd1-8ba5-48d9-989d-415d610ffe57",
    "dlma_uuid": "42b72a18-a6c5-43bf-b9aa-6043ff32128d",
    "res_hangup": 16,
    "detail": "test customer for basic tutorial",
    "in_use": 1,
    "res_hangup_detail": "Normal Clearing",
    "number_3": null,
    "name": "basic tutorial test customer 1",
    "status": 0,
    "trycnt_7": 0,
     "ukey": null,
    "dialing_uuid": null,
    "resv_target": null,
    "trycnt_6": 0,
    "trycnt_3": 0,
    "variables": null,
    "trycnt_2": 0,
    "number_8": null,
    "dialing_camp_uuid": null,
    "number_2": null,
    "dialing_plan_uuid": null,
    "res_dial": 4,
    "number_1": "300",
    "tm_create": "2017-03-08T01:55:07.911271576Z",
    "trycnt_1": 1,
    "number_5": null,
    "trycnt_8": 0,
    "number_6": null,
    "number_7": null,
    "trycnt_4": 0,
    "res_dial_detail": "Remote end has answered",
    "tm_delete": null,
    "tm_update": null,
    "tm_last_hangup": "2017-03-08T02:02:38.294239075Z"

And also, we can see the dial try result in a file.

$ tail -n 1 /opt/bin/outbound_result.json

  "uuid": "7ac02fb2-abe9-4882-a023-bbba573fc220",
  "name": null,
  "res_hangup_detail": "Normal Clearing",
  "status": 7,
  "action_id": "7f2aab69-4d09-4756-ac9a-f522c9e12f47",
  "res_dial_detail": "Remote end has answered",
  "dial_addr": "300",
  "res_dial": 4,
  "tm_update": "2017-03-08T02:02:38.225648380Z",
  "res_hangup": 16,
  "uuid_camp": "30097375-df96-4ca4-829b-b1e3100a2221",
  "uuid_plan": "50fd1e1f-920b-477a-b84c-afe58928dadc",
  "uuid_dest": "36a8a632-569d-414a-94e1-f92c8e0d505e",
  "dial_data": "",
  "uuid_dlma": "42b72a18-a6c5-43bf-b9aa-6043ff32128d",
  "dial_channel": "sip/300",
  "uuid_dl_list": "7d760dd1-8ba5-48d9-989d-415d610ffe57",
  "tm_create": "2017-03-08T02:02:19.491821216Z",
  "dial_trycnt": 1,
  "dial_application": "park",
  "dial_type": 1,
  "dial_index": 1,
  "dial_timeout": 30000,
  "dial_exten": null,
  "tm_delete": null

Normal call distribute

Dial to the customer. After the customer answered call, the call will be distributed to the waiting agents.

  • Create a queue and add memeber to queue.
  • Create a destination.
  • Create dlma and dial list.
  • Create a campaign.
  • Update campaign status to start
  • Check result

Create a queue and add memeber to queue

Add the queue info to the /etc/asterisk/queues.conf

Assume that we have a below queue info.

musicclass = default
strategy = ringall
joinempty = yes

Add the all agents to the queue.

pluto*CLI> queue add member sip/agent-01 to sales_1
Added interface 'sip/agent-01' to queue 'sales_1'

pluto*CLI> queue add member sip/agent-02 to sales_1
Added interface 'sip/agent-02' to queue 'sales_1'

pluto*CLI> queue add member sip/agent-03 to sales_1
Added interface 'sip/agent-03' to queue 'sales_1'

Check the queue status

pluto*CLI> queue show sales_1
sales_1 has 0 calls (max unlimited) in 'ringall' strategy (0s holdtime, 0s talktime), W:0, C:0, A:0, SL:0.0% within 0s
     sip/agent-01 (ringinuse enabled) (dynamic) (Not in use) has taken no calls yet
     sip/agent-02 (ringinuse enabled) (dynamic) (Not in use) has taken no calls yet
     sip/agent-03 (ringinuse enabled) (dynamic) (Not in use) has taken no calls yet
   No Callers

Create plan

$ curl -X POST -d
'{"name":"normal call distribute plan", "detail":"test plan for normal call distribute", "tech_name":"sip", "dial_mode":1}'

  "api_ver": "0.1",
  "result": {
    "caller_id": null,
    "codecs": null,
    "detail": "test plan for normal call distribute",
    "dial_mode": 1,
    "dial_timeout": 30000,
    "dl_end_handle": 1,
    "early_media": null,
    "in_use": 1,
    "max_retry_cnt_1": 5,
    "max_retry_cnt_2": 5,
    "max_retry_cnt_3": 5,
    "max_retry_cnt_4": 5,
    "max_retry_cnt_5": 5,
    "max_retry_cnt_6": 5,
    "max_retry_cnt_7": 5,
    "max_retry_cnt_8": 5,
    "name": "normal call distribute plan",
    "retry_delay": 60,
    "service_level": 0,
    "tech_name": "sip",
    "tm_create": "2017-03-08T02:26:58.135746353Z",
    "tm_delete": null,
    "tm_update": null,
    "trunk_name": null,
    "uuid": "2410fdf4-5633-4b84-917b-c66cc5e94d0c",
    "variables": null
  "statuscode": 200,
  "timestamp": "2017-03-08T02:26:58.194401817Z"

Create destination

$ curl -X POST -d
'{"name": "normal call distribute destination", "detail":"test pln for normal call distribute", "type":1, "application": "queue", "data":"sales_1"}'

  "api_ver": "0.1",
  "result": {
    "application": "queue",
    "context": null,
    "data": "sales_1",
    "detail": "test pln for normal call distribute",
    "exten": null,
    "in_use": 1,
    "name": "normal call distribute destination",
    "priority": null,
    "tm_create": "2017-03-08T02:30:28.856570883Z",
    "tm_delete": null,
    "tm_update": null,
    "type": 1,
    "uuid": "cc260c6a-80b5-434b-8d68-d2486eeb2c01",
    "variables": null
  "statuscode": 200,
  "timestamp": "2017-03-08T02:30:28.877500393Z"

Create dlma and dial list

Create Dlma

$ $ curl -X POST -d
'{"name": "normal call distribute dlma", "detail": "test dlma for normal call distribute"}'

  "api_ver": "0.1",
  "result": {
    "detail": "test dlma for normal call distribute",
    "dl_table": "b0d73193_2787_4341_8c32_bc051bad9f94",
    "in_use": 1,
    "name": "normal call distribute dlma",
    "tm_create": "2017-03-08T02:31:30.747154596Z",
    "tm_delete": null,
    "tm_update": null,
    "uuid": "b0d73193-2787-4341-8c32-bc051bad9f94",
    "variables": null
  "statuscode": 200,
  "timestamp": "2017-03-08T02:31:30.764677718Z"

Create dial list.

$ curl -X POST -d
'{"dlma_uuid":"b0d73193-2787-4341-8c32-bc051bad9f94", "name": "normal call distribute test customer 1", "detail": "test customer for normal call distribute", "number_1": "300"}'

  "api_ver": "0.1",
  "result": {
    "detail": "test customer for normal call distribute",
    "dialing_camp_uuid": null,
    "dialing_plan_uuid": null,
    "dialing_uuid": null,
    "dlma_uuid": "b0d73193-2787-4341-8c32-bc051bad9f94",
    "email": null,
    "in_use": 1,
    "name": "normal call distribute test customer 1",
    "number_1": "300",
    "number_2": null,
    "number_3": null,
    "number_4": null,
    "number_5": null,
    "number_6": null,
    "number_7": null,
    "number_8": null,
    "res_dial": 0,
    "res_dial_detail": null,
    "res_hangup": 0,
    "res_hangup_detail": null,
    "resv_target": null,
    "status": 0,
    "tm_create": "2017-03-08T02:32:52.786548232Z",
    "tm_delete": null,
    "tm_last_dial": null,
    "tm_last_hangup": null,
    "tm_update": null,
    "trycnt_1": 0,
    "trycnt_2": 0,
    "trycnt_3": 0,
    "trycnt_4": 0,
    "trycnt_5": 0,
    "trycnt_6": 0,
    "trycnt_7": 0,
    "trycnt_8": 0,
    "ukey": null,
    "uuid": "d0527ab9-c240-49a4-a001-1d3adecebbcb",
    "variables": null
  "statuscode": 200,
  "timestamp": "2017-03-08T02:32:52.812825540Z"

Create campaign and status update

Create campaign.

$ curl -X POST -d
'{"name": "normal call distribute campaign", "detail": "test campaign for normal call distribute", \
"plan":"2410fdf4-5633-4b84-917b-c66cc5e94d0c", "dest":"cc260c6a-80b5-434b-8d68-d2486eeb2c01", \

  "api_ver": "0.1",
  "result": {
    "dest": "cc260c6a-80b5-434b-8d68-d2486eeb2c01",
    "detail": "test campaign for normal call distribute",
    "dlma": "b0d73193-2787-4341-8c32-bc051bad9f94",
    "in_use": 1,
    "name": "normal call distribute campaign",
    "next_campaign": null,
    "plan": "2410fdf4-5633-4b84-917b-c66cc5e94d0c",
    "sc_date_end": null,
    "sc_date_list": null,
    "sc_date_list_except": null,
    "sc_date_start": null,
    "sc_day_list": null,
    "sc_mode": 0,
    "sc_time_end": null,
    "sc_time_start": null,
    "status": 0,
    "tm_create": "2017-03-08T02:35:01.122129833Z",
    "tm_delete": null,
    "tm_update": null,
    "uuid": "ed40ec12-9d39-4594-823c-0a2b5d86d9b6"
  "statuscode": 200,
  "timestamp": "2017-03-08T02:35:01.142891513Z"

Update campaign status.

$ curl -X PUT -d '{"status": 1}'

  "api_ver": "0.1",
  "result": {
    "dest": "cc260c6a-80b5-434b-8d68-d2486eeb2c01",
    "detail": "test campaign for normal call distribute",
    "dlma": "b0d73193-2787-4341-8c32-bc051bad9f94",
    "in_use": 1,
    "name": "normal call distribute campaign",
    "next_campaign": null,
    "plan": "2410fdf4-5633-4b84-917b-c66cc5e94d0c",
    "sc_date_end": null,
    "sc_date_list": null,
    "sc_date_list_except": null,
    "sc_date_start": null,
    "sc_day_list": null,
    "sc_mode": 0,
    "sc_time_end": null,
    "sc_time_start": null,
    "status": 1,
    "tm_create": "2017-03-08T02:35:01.122129833Z",
    "tm_delete": null,
    "tm_update": "2017-03-08T02:36:31.509227769Z",
    "uuid": "ed40ec12-9d39-4594-823c-0a2b5d86d9b6"
  "statuscode": 200,
  "timestamp": "2017-03-08T02:36:31.526276933Z"

Check dial list status

After update the campaign status, the aserisk will make a call to peer 300. And if the client answer the call, the agent’s device will be ringing.

If the one of the agent is answered the call, the other’s device’s ringing will be stopped.

Then, if we check the dial list status later, we can see the updated dial list information.

$ curl -X GET

  "api_ver": "0.1",
  "result": {
    "detail": "test customer for normal call distribute",
    "dialing_camp_uuid": null,
    "dialing_plan_uuid": null,
    "dialing_uuid": null,
    "dlma_uuid": "b0d73193-2787-4341-8c32-bc051bad9f94",
    "email": null,
    "in_use": 1,
    "name": "normal call distribute test customer 1",
    "number_1": "300",
    "number_2": null,
    "number_3": null,
    "number_4": null,
    "number_5": null,
    "number_6": null,
    "number_7": null,
    "number_8": null,
    "res_dial": 4,
    "res_dial_detail": "Remote end has answered",
    "res_hangup": 18,
    "res_hangup_detail": "No user responding",
    "resv_target": null,
    "status": 0,
    "tm_create": "2017-03-08T02:32:52.786548232Z",
    "tm_delete": null,
    "tm_last_dial": "2017-03-08T02:36:31.704367362Z",
    "tm_last_hangup": "2017-03-08T02:37:36.836258185Z",
    "tm_update": null,
    "trycnt_1": 1,
    "trycnt_2": 0,
    "trycnt_3": 0,
    "trycnt_4": 0,
    "trycnt_5": 0,
    "trycnt_6": 0,
    "trycnt_7": 0,
    "trycnt_8": 0,
    "ukey": null,
    "uuid": "d0527ab9-c240-49a4-a001-1d3adecebbcb",
    "variables": null
  "statuscode": 200,
  "timestamp": "2017-03-08T02:38:56.518844830Z"
$ tail -n 1 /opt/bin/outbound_result.json

  "uuid": "363f21fc-d7f1-43bb-868e-37b7c7ede07c",
  "name": null,
  "res_hangup_detail": "No user responding",
  "status": 7,
  "action_id": "92746286-f090-418b-9411-c0ee43b96664",
  "res_dial_detail": "Remote end has answered",
  "dial_addr": "300",
  "res_dial": 4,
  "tm_update": "2017-03-08T02:37:36.621821426Z",
  "res_hangup": 18,
  "uuid_camp": "ed40ec12-9d39-4594-823c-0a2b5d86d9b6",
  "uuid_plan": "2410fdf4-5633-4b84-917b-c66cc5e94d0c",
  "uuid_dest": "cc260c6a-80b5-434b-8d68-d2486eeb2c01",
  "dial_data": "sales_1",
  "uuid_dlma": "b0d73193-2787-4341-8c32-bc051bad9f94",
  "dial_channel": "sip/300",
  "uuid_dl_list": "d0527ab9-c240-49a4-a001-1d3adecebbcb",
  "tm_create": "2017-03-08T02:36:31.649998750Z",
  "dial_trycnt": 1,
  "dial_application": "queue",
  "dial_type": 1,
  "dial_index": 1,
  "dial_timeout": 30000,
  "dial_exten": null,
  "tm_delete": null