
Basic structures

Agent status

Agent’s status.

Agent status
Status Detail
AGENT_LOGGEDOFF Agent is not logged in.
AGENT_IDLE Agent is logged in status idle.
AGENT_ONCALL Agent is logged in and now on call.

Device state

Device’s state

Device state
State Detail
UNKNOWN Device is valid but channel didn’t know state.
NOT_INUSE Device is not used.
BUSY Device is in use.
INVALID Device is invalid.
UNAVAILABLE Device is unavailable.
RINGING Device is ringing.
RINGINUSE Device is ringing and in use.
ONHOLD Device is on hold.

Peer monitoring status

Peer’s monitoring status.

Peer monitoring sttus
Status Detail

Peer status

Peer’s status.

Peer status
Status Detail
Unknow Unknwon status.
Registered Peer has been registered.
Unregistered Peer has been unregistered.
Rejected Rejected.
Lagged Lagged.